The Michigan EBS Bridge Program

Pay less group health premium while enjoying better coverage!

Most employers see a 10% - 30% savings while reducing deductibles to as little as $0 while staying with the insurance company they're comfortable with.

How Do We Do It?

  • With a simple two-step process

    • We move you to one of the highest deductible plans available with your current insurance company
    • Add a secondary insurance, called a Bridge Plan, that covers some or all of the deductible

    The program works because the premium reduction realized by moving to the high deductible / high out of pocket plan is significantly greater than the EBS Bridge.

    And, Bridge Plans are level-funded, meaning, if your group has low claims, 100% of excess claim surplus is returned to you, the employer. See "Return of Claims Surplus" section below for more detail.

How the EBS Bridge works

  • Secondary Health Plan

    EBS Bridge is a secondary health plan, meaning the benefits are paid after (or secondary to) the employer's group health plan processes the medical claim.

  • No Need to Change Insurance

    Employers do not have to switch to a new health insurance company. EBS Bridge Plans work with any carrier.

  • Works with High Deductible Plans

    Bridge Plans can be paired with any high deductible, fully insured, or level-funded health insurance plan.

  • Available for Small and Large Groups

    The program works with employer groups of 8 enrolled employees or more, making it flexible for different company sizes.

  • Customizable Medical Plans

    EBS Bridge provides employers with flexibility to create a medical plan that fits their unique needs and situation.

  • Affordable Renewal Rates

    90% of clients see no rate increase at renewal. Pairing Bridge Plans with high deductible medical plans results in lower renewal increases compared to staying with low-deductible plans.

  • No Industry or Area Restrictions

    There are no unfavorable industries or rating areas, ensuring the same attractive Bridge Plan pricing for all employer groups.

  • Guaranteed Issue

    Bridge Plans are guaranteed issue, with no medical applications required, simplifying the process for employers.

  • Level-Funded Plans

    EBS Bridge Plans are level-funded, providing predictable costs and the potential for claim surplus returns.

Return of Claims Surplus

The EBS Bridge falls into the industry category of a level-funded benefit plan. Level-funded is a type of benefit plan where the employer pays a steady monthly payment that covers all the plan's cost components. The largest cost component is the claims allocation, and then there is stop loss insurance coverage and plan administration.

A big advantage of the level-funded approach versus fully insured has to do with the largest cost component - the claim allocation. In a fully insured arrangement, all money is paid to the insurance company (premiums), and nothing is ever refunded back to the employer. If the group has low claims, any surplus stays with the insurance company.

However, with a level-funded approach, if the group has low claims, typically up to 50% of the claim surplus can be returned to the employer. With the EBS Bridge, 100% of the claim surplus belongs to the employer.

At the end of the plan year, claim utilization is reviewed to determine how and when surplus funds can be returned to the employer (assuming surplus funds remain). The timing of surplus return payments depends on the claim utilization for the plan year, the runout claims volume, and the employer's preference.

In some cases, the surplus may be held until the full 12-month runout period is completed. While in other cases, part of the surplus can be returned shortly after the plan year-end. Some clients choose to have their claim surplus build up for future years, while others prefer to have surplus returned either in increments throughout the runout period or in lump sum once runout ends. We will be happy to discuss those options with you.

Level Funded Explainer

Monthly Premium


Stop Loss & Admin


Claims Account


Return of Excess Premiums

Find out how we can help!

How claims are paid with the EBS Bridge Program

Each employee receives an EBS Bridge ID card. For medical claims, the employee needs to present both ID cards - their primary medical plan card and their EBS Bridge ID card. The medical provider submits both for payment. They will bill you for any balance you may owe.

For prescriptions, the employee presents only their primary insurance card, as pharmacies are not set up for processing pharmacy claims through secondary insurance programs. The employee then pays their share of the prescription and sends their prescription receipt to Employee Benefit Services for reimbursement. Reimbursement can be in the form of a mailed check, or for quicker turnaround, direct deposit into the employee's checking account.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Is the EBS Bridge a new program?

    No.  Since the launch of the EBS Bridge in 2011, there are now tens of thousands of members enrolled in more than 20 states.

  • Do employees have to fill out medical applications?

    No. Bridge Plans are guaranteed-issue. All that's needed is a census of enrollees.

  • I like my insurance agent. Do I have to change agents if I choose to enroll with a Bridge Plan?

    No. We can assist your agent with the change.  

Get a free Bridge Quote. No census information needed.

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